The Adelaide Ventricle Think Tank - Filled with ideas that just might work! (well some of them): July 2024

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The Adelaide Ventricle Think Tank

A repository of ideas? A repository of suppositories? Ideas to get the world moving, remove the blockages of bureaucracy and bureaucrats and just cut to the chase. Hey, we could even solve Ambulance ramping in Adelaide. Do you have a good idea to share with the tiny corner of the world looking at this page? Yes? Bring it on. Send it in and we'll have a look at publishing it. Fame, fortune, and maybe a novel fix to a societal problem could be just around the corner.

  • Australian Government to apply Chinese 'Weeding the Grass' approach to combat scam messages
    Why do people click on text message links sent at 3am inviting them to enter personal information to claim 3022 points (worth $15.11) from Coles when they don't actually shop at Coles? Just as the world applied Chinese lockdowns to combat COVID, the Australian Government will shortly apply 'Weeding the grass' technique from China to combat scam messages.
    Posted: Wednesday 3 July 2024
  • Brian The Pig uses AI to become first animal in the world to gain legal personality
    Animals have no legal personality. They are regarded as property of people. That is until Australian pig Brian came along. Unhappy with his station in life, and embracing AI and other technological advancements, Brian has had the op, had the chops, upgraded the RAM and now been approved as smart enough to have legal personality.
    Posted: Wednesday 3 July 2024