History of The Adelaide Ventricle

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First off, I apologise. This website is the contents of my head and for you and me both, it is kind of a frightening thing to see my head laid out on a website.

The Adelaide Ventricle has been a long time coming, and a big thanks must go to my partner in crime, and in life, my wife Visnja who is my muse for testing these social commentaries, brilliant ideas, and efforts to prompt change by story telling. 

Visnja and I have been walking the streets for years. From Brighton in Melbourne, to Daylesford and Warburton in Victoria, then Highgate in Adelaide before heading back to Yarra Junction and Warburton.

We are fresh off seven years in Port Douglas and my accidental law degree in Cairns. We now drop out of our internet spaceship into Maylands, Adelaide. 

We still go for our morning coffee walks. We amble along the Adelaide streets, which often look like a scene from the Miniscule series years ago. There is often evidence of life. The spade in the garden, the house under construction, the weeding bucket on the lawn, but no actual human movement.  So we draw quizzical looks as we laugh at life and our latest ideas, or remember old ideas, while we walk with our picker upper picking up discarded blue masks in the suburb of Norwood in Adelaide.

The Adelaide Ventricle was conceived in the Adelaide Botanic Garden. For a moment I did think of calling it The Adelaide Chronicle, but a quick Google saw that The Chronicle (South Australia) was a real paper published from 1858 to 1975 and I didn't want to sully that South Australian memory. 

So Visnja said 'How about The Adelaide Ventricle' and with that 5 minute thought process, here we are. I hope you enjoy, and if it all makes any reader think of a new idea: fantastic. 

And if The Adelaide Ventricle encourages anyone to act on their new idea, or one of the excellent ideas in this website, then all the better. Have fun, live life until you die, and enjoy.

Paul Jackson
Adelaide, February 2022